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Week 1Introductions
- Mehr 4
- Lecture 1 Introductions
Week 2Complexity Analysis I
- Mehr 9
- Lecture 2 Time complexity analysis: Insertion Sort
Week 3Complexity Analysis II
- Mehr 16
- Lecture 3 Function growth and Big-O notation
- Mehr 18
- Lecture 4 Merge Sort
Week 4Divide and Conquer
- Mehr 23
- Lecture 5 Master Theorem
- Mehr 25
- Lecture 6 Amortized Analysis
Week 5Data Structures
- Mehr 30
- Lecture 7 Linked List and Queue
- Aban 2
- Lecture 8 Stack
Week 6Approximation Algorithms
- Aban 7
- Lecture 9 Approximate Median
- Aban 9
- Lecture 10 Tree Implementation and Traversal
Week 7Trees
- Aban 14
- Lecture 11 Expression Trees
- Aban 16
- Lecture 12 Trie and Priority Queue
Week 8Statistical Analysis
- Aban 21
- Lecture 13 Min and Max Calculations
- Aban 23
- Lecture 14 K-th Element
Week 9Sorting Algorithms
- Aban 28
- Lecture 15 Quick Sort and Pyramid Sort
- Aban 30
- Lecture 16 Linear Time Sorts
- Azar 2
- Midterm Exam 1
Week 10Binary Tree
- Azar 5
- Lecture 17 Binary Search Tree
- Azar 7
- Lecture 18 Balanced Binary Tree
Week 11Advanced Data Structures
- Azar 12
- Lecture 19 Segment Tree and Interval Tree
- Azar 14
- Lecture 20 Disjoint Set Union
Week 12Hashing
- Azar 19
- Lecture 21 Local Hashing and Universal Hashing
- Azar 21
- Lecture 22 Full Hashing
Week 13Graphs I
- Azar 28
- Lecture 23 Graph Implementation
- Azar 30
- Midterm Exam 2
Week 14Graphs III
- Dey 10
- Lecture 26 Topological Sort
- Dey 12
- Lecture 27 Graph Shortest Paths